Physics target paper for class 10th

Muhammad  saleem


Physics  paper for class 10th



By M.A f Saleem.

General wave properties.

ImageWaves and Nature of Waves.

Formation of waves.

i) Waves motion by using a rope. 

ii) Waves in a Slinky Spring.

iii) Water waves.

Types of waves.

i) Transverse waves.


i) Amplitude.

ii) Crest.

iii) Trough


i) Longitudinal waves.

ii) Compression.

iii) Rarefication.

Motion transfers without moving matter. 

Deference between.

Mechanical waves vs Electromagnetic waves.

Transverse waves vs longitudinal waves.

Properties of waves.

i) Refraction of waves.

ii) Reflection of waves.

iii) Diffraction of waves.


i) Time-Period.

ii) Frequency.

iii) Wavelength.

iv) Wave speed.

v) The wavefront.

Long Q’s

i) Smile Harmonic Motion. With formula.

ii) Ball and bowl system and SHM.With the help of a diagram.

iii) Dumped Oscillating.


How is a sound produced?

Sound waves are referred to as mechanical waves.

i) Production of sound by vibrating sources.

ii) Longitudinal nature and sound waves

With the help of a diagram, describe how compressions and rarefactions are produced in the air near a sound source.

Define the speed of sound and experiment to determine the speed of sound.

Speed of sound in solids, liquid,s and gases.

Factors that affect the speed of sound.

i) Effect in temperature.

ii) Effect in humidity.

Seeing sounds.

I. Quality

II. Loudness

III. Pitch.

IV. Acoustic Intensity.

Explain ‘NOISE POLLUTION. ‘And how can we reduce noise pollution.

I. Echo explains the working and allocation of SONAR.

II. Ultrasound with the help of a diagram.

III. Audible frequency

IV. Infrasonic.

Application of Ultrasound that is used in hospitals for medical imaging.


Electromagnetic Spectrum.

Dispersion of light.

Dispersion of light when passing through a glass prism.

Dispersion of light through water droplets.

Speed of electromagnetic waves with formula.

Characteristics Speed of electromagnetic

Main components of the electromagnetic spectrum.

Uses of the electromagnetic spectrum.

i) Radio waves

ii) Microwaves.

iii) Infrared.

iv) Optical fiber.

v) Ultraviolet.

vi) Sunbeds.

vii) Fluorescent

viii) Sterilization.

vi) Application of X-ray.

i) Computed Tomography.

ii) Radiation Therapy.

vii) Application of Gamma rays.

i) Treat cancer.

ii) Radiosurgery.

iii) Position Emission Tomography.

1 - Mirror.

Def Reflection of light

 Describe the Law of Reflection with the help of a diagram.


i) Incident ray

ii) Reflected Ray.

iii) Normal

iv) Angle of incidence.

v) Angle of Reflection.                                  

vi) Spherical mirror

vii) Concave mirror.

viii) If the inside surface is

The Reflecting surface, it is called a concave mirror.

If the reflecting surface is the outer side of the sphere, The mirror  Called a convex mirror

Long q’s 

Image formation by Concave mirror.                

Equation of Spherical mirror

Uses of a spherical mirror

Refraction of light.

Refraction of light through a parallel-sided glass slab.

Law of Refraction.

Refracted Index.

Critical Angle.

Total internal reflection also explains their conditions.

Telecommunication Through Optical Fiber.

The total internal reaction through the endoscope

Define Monochromatic rays, Glass prism, and Recreation of Monochromatic light with a prism.

2- Lenses

 Define Lenses and their types and the power of lenses, How a lens Refracts Light.

The image formed by Lens

Lens equation 

The magnifying glass with diagram.

Magnifying power and Resolving power

Magnification by simple Microscope.

Working of the human eye also explains the Defect of the human eye.

Def    between:

Simple Microscope VS Compound 

Telescope VS Microscope.


Define Electric Charge and production of Electric Charge.


ImageTypes of charge

Coulomb’s Law (long q’s)

Method of charge formation                            

Electrostatics induction

Electrostatics charging by induction.

Electroscopes also construct and their working

Electric Field and electric field intensity.

Electric field lines.


i) Point charge.

ii) Test charge.

iii) Volt.

iv) Name the application of Electrostatics.

v) Spray painting

Electrostatic Potential.

Potential Difference.

Electrostatics Air Cleaning.


Capacitance, Factor, Combination, Parallel Combination, Series and its uses.

Tips to prevent damage by static electricity.

Electric Current and its type.


a. Electronic current.

b. Conventional Current.

c. Energy in Resistors.

d. Electrical Components.

e. Switch Resistor.

f. Battery.

g. Transducer.

h. LDR.

i. Thermistors.

j. Relay.

k. Galvanometer.

l. Ammeter.

m. Voltmeter.

n. Shunt Resistor. 

o. Potential Difference.

p. Electromotive Force.

Ohm’s Law, Limitations.

Non-Ohmic Devices.

Resistance, factor affecting, Uses.

Electric Circuit, series combination circuits, and its advantages.

Parallel Combination circuits.

Resistor in Parallel Circuits advantages and its disadvantages.

Joule’s law and its application.

Electrical Power Transmission to a House.

Hazards of Electricity and Safety Measures.

Effect of electric shock on the human body.


Electric bulb and an Electric Heater in series.

Fundamental Forces.

Electromagnetic Force.             

Role of Electromagnetic Force in forming matter.

Magnetic effect of a steady current.

Magnetic field produced by a current-carrying conductor.

Magnetic Field lines.

Force on current carrying conductor in a Magnetic field.

Turning Effect on a current crying coil in a magnetic field.

D.C Monitor describes the turning effect on the DC coil.

a. Electromagnetic induction.

E.M.F in a circuit and factor effect on it.

Faraday's law of induction.

Lenz’s Law and Conservation of Energy.

A.C generator.

Mutual inductance.

Transformer, construction, and working of it.

i) Ideal transformer.

ii) Step-up transformer.

iii) Step-down transformer.

Daily life application of transformer.


1. Electronics.

2. DAC and ADC circuits.

3. Analogue and Digital.

4. Progress in science and technology depends, on the name of its main field of it.

5. Difference between Analog and Digital Electronics.

ImageElectronic gun and cathode rays and properties of cathode rays.

7. An electronic gun is a source of an electronic beam. 

8. Thermionic Emission and its Demonstration.

9. Deflection of electrons by an Electric field and Magnetic field.

10. Cathode Rays Oscilloscope (CRO) AND ITS BASIC PRINCIPLE AND ITS USES.

11. Vacuum tubes and their role in Electronics.

1. Define:

a. Information, ICT, and CBIS.

b. Input and Output hardware, System, and Application software.

c. Transducer.

2. Flow of information.

3. Transmission of radio waves through space.

4. Transmission of Light through optical fiber.

5. Difference between

6. Data and information.

7. Primary and Secondary Memory.

8. Ram and Rom.

1. Rutherford‘s Atomic Model.

2. Geiger and Marsden Experiment.      

3. Composition of an Atom.

4. Isotopes and Isotopes of hydrogen.


Natural Radioactivity, types and it is nature.

Nature of Radioactive emission

Radiation Hazards and Safety Measures.

Uses of Radioisotopes in




Fission and Fusion.

Nuclear transmission.

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