Pakistan Studies target paper for class 10th.

Muhammad  saleem

10th class.

Pakistan Studies for class 10th.


From the desk of M.A (economics) f Saleem.

Short Q’s

1.    Meaning of Ideology, sources and significance of Ideology.

2.    Contents of Ideology.

3.    Basis of Ideology.

4.    Ideology of Pakistan in the light of the Statements of Quaid-e-Azam and Allama Iqbal


1.    Principle of Democracy in Islam.

2.    Ideology and National Character.

1. Revivalist Movement in the Sub-continent.

1.    Movement of Shah Waliullah

2.    Movement of Syed Ahmed Shaheed Bareli.

3.    Faraizi Movement.

4.    Aligarh Movement.

2. Two Nation Theory.

3. Establishment and role of the Muslim League in the struggle of Pakistan.

4. Quaid-e-Azam’s Fourteen Points.

5. Act of 1935 and the Provincial Autonomy.

6. Lahore Resolution. (Pakistan Movement)

Short- Q’s.

1.    Cripps Mission.

2.    Simla Conference.

3.    3rd June plan.

4.    The Indian Independence Bill 1947.

5.    Radcliff Award.

6. Quaid–e–Azam’s role as the first governor general of Pakistan.

Short Q’s

1)    Salient Features of Objective Resolution.

2)    Salient Features Constitution of 1956.

3)    Salient Features Constitution of 1962.

Long Q’s.

1)    Constitution of 1973.

2)    The fall of East Pakistan.

3)    Our role in the progress and prosperity of Pakistan.

Short Q’s

1. Location of Pakistan.

2. Importance of Location of Pakistan.


1)    Mountains

 i)   Name and importance of Northern and Northeastern mountains.

ii) Northwestern and western mountains.

2)    Plateaus.

 i) The Potwar Plateau.

ii) The Baluchistan Plateau.

3)    Plains.

i)  The upper Indus Plain.

ii)  The lower Indus Plain.

iii)  The Indus Delta.

4)    Deserts include Coastal areas.

i)    Thal desert

ii)   Cholis tan desert.

iii)  Thar and Nara Desert.

5)    Climate

i) Sub-tropical continental Highland.

ii)  Sub- Tropical continental Plateau.

iii) Sub-tropical continental lowland.

iv) Sub-tropical coastland.

6)    Influence of Climate on life.

7)    Environmental Problem.

i)   Air-Pollution.

ii) Water pollution.

iii) Land-Pollution.

1. Define Resources.

2. Human

3. Natural.

4. Natural Resources.

1.    i. Soil.

Ø Indus Basin Soil.

Ø Mountain Soil.

Ø Sandy Desert soil.

2.    ii. Forest.

a.    Mountainous Forest.

b.    Sub- Mountainous Forest.

c.     Dry Western Mountainous Forest.

d.    Riverine Forest.

e.    Canal Forest.

f.      Coastal Forests.

Ø Important of Forest.(long q’s)

3.    iii. Minerals.

1.    Mineral Oil.

2.    Natural Gas.

3.    Coal

4.    Iron ore

5.    Chromite

6.    Copper

7.    Gypsum

8.    Salt

9.    Limestone

10.   Marble

4.   iv. Agriculture.

i) System of Agricultural.

ii) Agricultural product.

Ø Cash crops.

a.    Sugarcanes

b.    Tobacco

c.     Oilseeds.

Ø Food crops.

a.    Wheat.

b.    Rice.

c.     Maize (corn)

d.    Jowar and Bajra.

e.    Pulses

f.      Barley

g.     Vegetable

5.  v. Agricultural problem of Pakistan and measures to solve this. (long)

6.  vi.  Irrigation System of Pakistan. (long)

7.   vii. Livestock.(short q’s)

8.   viii. Power Resources.

Ø Hydel and thermal Electricity).

Ø Atomic or Nuclear Energy.

Ø Solar Energy.

9.   ix. Human Resources and their problem and prospects.

1    x. Moderation in life. (Note)


1.    Define industry and its importance for development.

i. Cottage industry

ii. Heavy industry

iii. Defense industry

2.    Define means of transportation and communication.

3.    Trade and commerce.

4.    E-commerce.

5.    Steps can be taken to increase the industry development.

Short Q’S


1.    Demography.

2.    Census.

3.    Urban population.

4.    Rural population.

5.    Causes of population growth.

6.    Linguistic composition of the population in Pakistan.

7.    Main profession of Pakistan.

8.    Biggest 12 cities name of Pakistan.

9.    What are the population and the density of the population in 4 provinces.

10.    Literacy parentage 1951-1998.


1.    Growth of population and migration

2.    Causes of population growth.

3.     Effect of growing pollution on health and education

1.   1.    Languages of Pakistan. (Note).

2.    2. Importance of National Languages of Pakistan.

3.   3.  Characteristics of culture.

4.   4. The common cultural manifestations in the national life.

5.   5. Note on the arts and crafts of Pakistan.

1.    New trends in education including Information technology.

2.    Write about the educational problem in Pakistan.

3.    Socio-Cultural Importance.

4.    Structure of Formal education.

1.    1. What is a welfare state and its role define an Islamic welfare state.

2.    2. National goals of Pakistan.

3.    3. Need for Sustained constructive efforts

4.    4. Need for self-sufficiency in food.

1.    Democracy as freedom of Expression.

2.    The functioning of a democratic government.


1.    Describe the rights and duties of Citizens.

2.    Describe the Obligation of Citizens.

3.    Role of individual in the society.

4.    Need of law and its importance.

5.    Disobedience to the law/CORUPTION.

1.    Explain the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. (UDHR).
2.    Write points of obligation of citizens in Pakistan.



2.    Women Ombudsman in Pakistan.

3.    Function of Federal Ministry of Pakistan.

4.    Human rights cell, Supreme Court of Pakistan.

5.    Human Rights Department Government of Sindh.

Form the desk of M.A f Saleem


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