16 Health Benefits of Cucumber .

Muhammad  saleem

         (fruit /vegetable)

 Health Benefits of Cucumber.

Start eating just one cucumber a day see what happens to your body?

You probably think cucumber is a Vegetable right but according to  Scientists it's actually a fruit and it,

A really really cool fruit-eating just one cucumber every day will result in numerous positive health changes and Beauty benefits but before you find out

1. Hydration is your body.

How important proper hydration is your Body can't function without water this Liquid regulates the temperature of your Body transports nutrients and removes Waste products in short hydration Influences everything from your physical Performance to the speed of your Metabolism.

2.95 percent water.

The best product to help you stay hydrated is cucumber it's about 95 percent water which means that when you crunch this green fruit you eat and drink at the same.

3. Healthy heart

 one of the minerals contained in cucumbers is potassium your body functions properly only if there's the necessary balance of this mineral inside and outside your cells if the levels of potassium in your body are too low your muscles won't move properly and your nerves won't work normally also potassium helps your kidneys to filter blood what's more this mineral helps your heart to move blood through your body in other words it makes your heartbeat in the proper way so maintaining the correct levels of potassium is extremely important.

4. Control heart rhythm Problems.

 cucumbers contain a lot of Antioxidants fight the free radicals that damage your cells in their genetic material by causing the oxidation process your body produces these free radicals when it digests food and processes sunlight alcohol smoke and other toxins antioxidants can either stop free radicals before they form or break them down so that they aren't harmful anymore but if you don't have enough antioxidants in your body to fight free radicals this may lead to serious chronic illnesses such as heart and lung diseases cancer and autoimmune diseases many fruit and vegetables are rich in antioxidants and cucumber.

5. Improve immune system.

cucumbers contain so much water they're great at cleansing your body of harmful toxins, as a result, your immune system will become stronger you'll feel more energetic and your physical performance will improve 9 cucumbers will supply you with the necessary nutrients cucumbers.

6. Perfect replacement for high-calorie side dishes.

Cucumbers can be a perfect replacement for high-calorie side dishes they also add flavor and freshness to sandwiches and salads last but not least the fact that cucumbers are 95% water can encourage weight loss as well after all it's common knowledge that drinking enough water can boost your metabolism.

7. Filling snack.

 cucumbers so use this fruit as a healthy and filling snack due to their fiber content cucumbers tend to slow down your digestion and therefore it takes you longer to start feeling hungry 7 you won't need any breath fresheners cucumbers are good for more than your general well-being.

8. Bad breath.

 positive effect if you have problems with bad breath as they are a natural breath freshener you just need to put a slice of this fruit on the roof of your mouth for 30 to 40 seconds this will kill the bacteria that cause bad breath in your mouth.

 9. Blood sugar will decrease. 

according to several studies that can be found in the MEDLINE database cucumbers have the ability to lower and control blood sugar and a test-tube study published in 2016 showed that cucumbers can reduce oxidative stress this is an imbalance between the antioxidants and free radicals in your body and it can lead to cell damage on top of that cucumbers contain sterile that's a hormone that can not only decrease the levels of bad cholesterol in your body.

10. low in calories

 low in calories but they are extremely rich in minerals and vitamins this fruit contains fiber carbs protein vitamins C k & B potassium manganese iron zinc riboflavin and magnesium.

11. Don't peel cucumbers.

peeling cucumbers you'd better get rid of this habit by peeling this fruit you significantly decrease the number of fiber vitamins and minerals that it contains by the way being a perfect source of B vitamins cucumbers can effectively help you if you're suffering from a hangover even if you don't get rid of this unpleasant condition completely its intensity will decrease.

12. lose weight.

 noticeably you'll start to lose weight cucumbers can help you lose weight and not one but several ways as you already know this fruit is low in calories a medium-sized cucumber contains only 16 to 20 calories this means that you can eat as many cucumbers as you want to get all the necessary nutrients and elements and it won't result in any weight gain.

13. low and high blood pressure.

 also used to treat both low and high blood pressure 5 you won't feel stressed anymore there are different B vitamins in cucumbers b1 b5 and b7 or biotin these vitamins are famous for their ability to reduce anxiety and cushion the negative effects of stress as for biotin it also aids in energy production.

14. Improves the condition rich in silica.

 of your 

hair and nails 

reduces blood sugar levels 

 hair and skin will be happy and healthy cucumbers are rich in silica a vital component for the development of healthy and strong connective tissues silica can also improve the condition of your skin by making it brighter and healthier moreover since cucumbers also contain sulfur they are great if you want your hair to grow fast and strong.

15. Anti-inflammatory properties.

 some cucumber you can put several pieces of it on your face in particular around and over your eyes cucumbers contain vitamin C which has strong anti-inflammatory properties to help get rid of puffy eyes.

16. Passage of stool.

 the passage of stool becomes difficult but cucumbers contain a lot of water thus promoting hydration eating them regularly can prevent constipation what's more this fruit is rich in fiber and fiber especially one type called pectin helps your body to regulate bowel movements and even makes bowel movements more frequent this happens because pectin speeds up the activity of the intestinal muscles at the same time it feeds the good bacteria that live in the gut and this can't help but make your digestive system healthier.


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