Aspects of writing.

Muhammad  saleem

 Aspects of writing

 I write  about six essential aspects of writing:

1-extensive vocabulary 
2-fair word-stock
6-write in your own

you should have to do

-Reading what did you like daily
 - play Roots Learning
 -play  word Thesaurus 
-Develop your own  Practical Vocabulary
-Make Dictionary  with the Friends
-Learn New One Word a Daily. ...
-Understand the True Meaning of Words. 

which will serve as a framework to guide the efforts of an aspiring writer seeking excellence at the craft. 
finding the right word must have an extensive vocabulary is highly desirable it's essential for all writers to have a fair word-stock. 
Reading and listening to English from different sources can enhance vocabulary. 
It must be pointed out though that having a large word bank does not mean you must use difficult or confusing words.
 Quite the opposite! Many people think they can write well without having to learn grammar.
 A good deal of grammar is learned informally, it's true, especially in the case of native speakers.
Yet that does not obviate the need for mastering a few more essential grammar rules which are specific to writing. 
Learning the basics such as parts of speech,
 formation of phrases,
 and so forth will greatly aid in your efforts to become an influential writer. 

Master in punctuation.

Mastering punctuation is another most important. 

1-Use apostrophes correctly. 

2-Know where to place quotation marks.

3-Know how to punctuate with parentheses. 

4-Use a hyphen for compound adjectives. 

5-Distinguish between the colon and the semicolon.

6-Avoid multiple punctuations at the end of a sentence

Master in punctuation 
Writing which does not clear confuse readers and who wants to be confused?
 Brevity means keeping your writing as brief as possible and this is the essential feature of good writing.

 In addition to being clear and brief, your writing must also arouse your reader's interest. 

does not confuse the readers.

Achieving these three qualities in your writing will ensure your writing will be read- and thus valued.

 A sufficient grasp of the basics of grammar means you are able to write a grammatically correct sentence. 

Any sentence that you write, first and foremost, must be grammatically correct that's essential but still not enough.

 Sentences must also be varied. 

This will avoid the text being boring.

 write a grammatically correct sentence.

 Finally, your sentences must exude your own style and uniqueness.
 This comes through reading great writers as well as through learning by imitation.
A paragraph is a set of sentences related to a single idea or concept.
 The rule to remember is this one idea per paragraph and one paragraph per idea. 

Support the topic of the sentence.

 Do not divide a paragraph unless you have to introduce a new idea.

your own style and uniqueness.

 An essay always has three parts:

1- the introduction, 
2-the body or the main part,
 3-ending or the conclusion. 

Different types of essays call for different techniques. 

Practice is the key. 

Practice making men perfect also women.

From the desk of M.A F Saleem.


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