1885 to 1947 History of Pakistan .

Muhammad  saleem

Assalam-u-Alaikum, Pakistan Broadcasting Service, we are live from Lahore.

At 12 at night between 13 and 14 August of years 1947… the dawn of independent Morning

.Touching scenes in Lahore, and then… the dawn of the morning of Independence.


on January 23, 1857

 the refusal of the Sepoys to use the grease-covered cartridges (greased with the fat of pig and cow). The main causes of the War were political, social, economic, military, and religious.

Mangal Pandey

 first bullet Mangal Pandey fired then  The First War of Independence is started, 

The Revolt of 1857 is badly falling because it was locally poorly organized and there is no brotherhood between Hindu and Muslims, Due to lack of communication facilities.

10 May 1857 

British victory revolt Formal end under the British law the Mughal Empire End of Company rule in India Transfer of the rule to the British Crown. The last Mughal emperor… when he was arrested by the East India Company, the British government had taken control,

When Bahadur Shah Zafar was arrested, he was accompanied by three princes. And in the morning, heads of princes and princesses were presented in the tray covered with clothes.


The revolt against the British began in the military first. All the armed men who rebelled had been killed. They were hanged and those who had tried to run away had been shot instantly without any court-martial.

Muslims face too many problems because the government is Snatched to them, they face jobs problem, no right to take govt gob, British think that war of independence is only planned by Muslims. Hindus get the opportunity at this moment and become loyal to Britisher and get to many benefits in the shape of govt jobs and etc...They should not be given rights equal to Hindus.

Now at this time, Sir Syed Ahmed Khan felt that he has to do something for Muslims.


Sir Syed Ahmed Khan wrote a magazine called “Asbab-e-Baghawat-e-Hind”.

stop Muslims from participating in politics Muslims understand (the golden period is gone away)He thought that   Muslims have to be completely excluded from the power structure.

they focus only on Education. Hindu is moving forward and get a job. He said that it is not possible without education. He founded the Muslim Scientific Society


That Indian National Congress  is founded by Mr. O.H Hume 

When the party is created, Sir Syed Ahmed Khan told Muslims not to join the party towards gaining education instead of participating in politics because the party is not in the concernt in the Muslims and not trying to solve the problems of all the Sub-continent.

NOW  Muslims feel that there is no connection between Muslims and Brithies and Congress is not supported Muslims so they decided to build a new platform for Muslims.

Sir Agha Khan is selected to represent  Muslims’ point of view regarding the need for a Separate Muslim platform in front of Lord Minto.

Separate electorate party  for  the basic rights of Muslims in  India 

 Sir Agha Khan said that we want to form a party in front of the British,

the British replied by asking him, “why you need a party?”When Indian National Congress in the sub-continent represents all the communities, why do you need a separate party? Why did you think of it?

Because if there is a mixed electorate then the Hindu Muslim ratio in India is 1/5.

The second major demand by Simla Delegation was that Muslims should be given a special quota in the administrative positions of the British Government.

A sign of courage had been developed in Muslims.

 British have allowed Muslims to create their own party Muslims celebrate these event  Headlines were published in various papers that Muslims have been allowed to make a party by the British.

30 December 1906  

Educational Conference is held in Dhaka and decided to make a platform for Muslims.

Objects of All India Muslim League.

1. To promote the loyalty of Indian Muslims towards the British government. 

2. To protect the political and other rights of the Indian Muslims and to place their needs and aspirations before the Government.

 3. To overcome the feeling of hostility among Muslims towards other communities.

"All India Muslim League members"

-Abdus Samad Khan.

-Khabeeruddin Ahmed.

-Ziauddin Ahmad.

-Ayub Ali Master.

-Amjad Ali (Assamese politician)

-Mahmud Ali (statesman)

-Malik Barkat Ali.Mukhtar Ahmed Ansari.


Some changes are made in objects.


Indian Councils Act of 1909, also called Morley-Minto Reforms, series of reform measures enacted in 1909 by the British Parliament, the main component of which directly introduced the elective principle to membership in the imperial and local legislative councils in India.

"Black Bills". 

This law was passed in March 1919 by the Imperial Legislative Council which gave them the power to arrest any person without any trial. These bills came to be known as "Black Bills". This bill gave enormous powers to the police to search a place and arrest any person they disapproved of without a warrant. Despite much opposition, the Rowlatt Act was passed on 18 March 1919. The purpose of the act was to curb the growing nationalist upsurge in the country.


For the sake of the broad road, Musjaid in Kanpur is Collapsed and Muslims face how Britishers envy and enemy of them.


Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah is taking part in Muslim League.


First World War 

Between 1914 and 1918, more than 100 countries from Africa, the Americas, Asia, Australasia, and Europe

The war badly effect on Indians and was negatively impacted by massive recruitment efforts, high taxes and a rise in prices The war had drained India of troops and at one point a mere 15,000 soldiers were physically present in the subcontinent.


The Lucknow Pact was an agreement reached between the Indian National Congress and the Muslim League (AIMLM) at a joint session of both parties Through the pact, the two parties agreed to allow representation to religious minorities in the provincial legislatures.


End of the first world war and Britain win. Germany and  France suffered a great deal of damage from the war or face familiar. Turkey is divided and Ottoman Empire had lost its caliphate is the end.

1919 Khilafah Movement

Ottoman Empire will be kept intact after winning the war by a brother, On the basis of this false promise, the British crown had compelled Indians, specifically Muslims to participate in the war more than 67.19 % of Muslims in the British army gave up refusing to fight against the empire. On table talks, it was finalized that our war is not against Turkey. We are fighting against injustice

22 Dec 1919

Lucknow committee is found ALL INDIA KHILAFAT KAMATE is founded.

The object of the Comment is

 Govt promised that there will not be any kind of disintegration of the Turkish empire.


The non-cooperation movement lasted from 4 September 1920 to February 1922.

started by  Mahatma Gandhi to have Indians revoke their cooperation with the British government. It was a political campaign. this movement involved

- boycott of Government and educational institutions,

 -boycott Law Courts, legislatures, 

-It was the emphasis on the use of Charkha (spinning wheel),

- Khadi (handspun cloth), 

 -surrender of titles, 

-honors and honorary posts, 

-boycott of British goods

-Boycott of Council elections to be held as per the suggestions of the Morley-Minto Reforms of 1919.

-the campaign of 'Jail Bharo' (fill the jails) by the Congress volunteers.

-Causes of Non-Cooperation Movement

Jallianwala Bagh Massacre and Resultant Punjab Disturbances.

-Dissatisfaction with Montagu-Chelmsford Reforms.

-Rowlatt Act.

-Khilafat Agitation.

The Non-Cooperation movement was suspended in February 1922 

Mahatma Gandhi was the one who put an end to this movement because of the start of the Chauri Chaura incident. ... The Chauri Chaura incident was the reason for the Non-cooperation movement getting suspended. 

1920 Khilafah Movement is End.

Mustafa Kemal Ataturk dissolution of the Ottoman Empire and make Democracy.

1926 Suggestions Delhi

Presented by  Muhammad Ali Jinnah.


-Sind should be separated from Bombay and should be constituted into an independent province.

-Reforms should be introduced in the North-West Frontier Province and Baluchistan on the same footing as in any other province of India.

-Reservation of seats according to the population for different communities in the Punjab and Bengal.

-Muslims should be given 1/3rd representation in the Central Legislature.

1927 Simon Corruption

A seven-member delegation led by John Simon came to India or this delegation was formed keeping in view the political parties of India. The commission failed and refused to accept its report. The protest began, So they said;

 Instead, the Indian government Presents a perpetual scheme.


Motilal Nehru is given the report, which was prepared by a committee of the All Parties Conference chaired by Motilal Nehru with his son Jawaharlal Nehru acting as a secretary.

Nehru report 

· Recommendations that threatened Muslim interests are:

- No Separate electorate

- No One-third of seats for Muslims in the Central Assembly

No reservations of seats for Muslims in Punjab and Bengal. In

Hindu- majority provinces, Muslims may be given seats according to population

-Sindh is to be made a province if it can bear its expenses.

-Balochistan, NWFP was accepted to be given constitutional status on certain conditions.

Jinnah remarked, "It is parting of the ways." 

He presented the 14 points as a Muslim leader. These points reflected the aspirations of every Muslim living in India.


in response to Nehru Report  Jinnah decided to issue 14 points Jinnah gave his points in order to safeguard and protect the rights and interests of Muslims. The 14 Points were the first-ever demand of the Muslim League put to the British.

 He gave FOURTEEN POINTS to protect the political and democratic rights of the Muslim community.

1: The form of the future constitution should be federal, with the residuary powers vested in the provinces.

2: A uniform measure of autonomy shall be guaranteed to all provinces.

3: All legislatures in the country and other elected bodies shall be constituted on the definite principle of adequate and effective representation of minorities in every province without reducing the majority in any province to a minority or even equality.

4: In the Central Legislature, Muslim representation shall not be less than one-third.

5: Representation of communal groups shall continue to be by separate electorates: provided that it shall be open to any community, at any time, to abandon its separate electorate in favor of joint electorate.

6: Any territorial redistribution that might at any time be necessary shall not in any way affect the Muslim majority in Punjab, Bengal, and NWFP provinces.

7: Full religious liberty shall be guaranteed to all communities.

8: No bill or resolution shall be passed in any legislature if three-fourths of the members of any community in that body oppose the bill.

9: Sindh should be separated from the Bombay Presidency.

10: Reforms should be introduced in the NWFP and Balochistan on the same footings as in the other provinces.

11: Muslims should be given an adequate share in all services, having due regard to the requirement of efficiency.

12: The Constitution should embody adequate safeguards for the protection of Muslim culture, education, language, religion, and personal laws, as well as for Muslim charitable institutions.

13: One-third of representation shall be given to Muslims in both central and provincial cabinets.

14: No change shall be made in the constitution without the consent of the provinces.


Allama Iqbal introduced the idea of a separate state for Muslims, In his Presidential Address, Allama Iqbal said:

"I would like to see the Punjab, North-West Frontier Province, Sindh and Baluchistan amalgamated into a single state. Self-government within the British empire without the British empire, the formation of a consolidated Northwest Indian Muslim state appears to me to be the final destiny of the Muslims at least of northwest India."

1930 First Round Table Conference.

The first round table conference was held in London in 1930 in support of the position of the  Muslims Quaid-e-Azam attend this and In addition, a committee on various issues was set up in the conference.

1931 Second Round Table 

The second round table conference started on 7 Sep and continued till December 1, 1931. It was attended by Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah, Sir Muhammad Shafi, Maulana Shaukat Ali, and Allama Iqbal from the Muslim League

1932 Third Round Table.

Start from 17 Nov and continue to 24 Dec 1932

 Chaudhry Rehmat Ali wrote a pamphlet NOW OR NEVER.

1935 White Paper

1. Separate selection method accepted

2. Sindh will be separated from Bombay

3. Punjab and Bengal will be represented in terms of population

4. The British Parliament passed the All India Teaching Act, 1935

1937 Elections The attitude of the Congress government

According to the Laws of India, the Muslim League won the elections in the Muslim-majority constituencies but failed in the Punjab NWFP and Bengal.

1939 Abolition of Congress Ministries

Abolition of Congress Ministries 1937 to 1939

1939 World War  II began 

World War II began which they demanded the British government  that India's independence be assured if not so they  would not cooperate with the government

1939 Salvation Day

At the outbreak of World War II, provincial congressional ministries resigned over differences with the British government over cooperation in war matters. Governor rule was imposed in the province under section 93 and Muslims celebrated Salvation Day with full enthusiasm.

The Muslim League and Congress rejected the offer of Vice Rai Hind.

1946 23 March Corps Mission

After his release, Gandhi proposed talks with Jinnah on his two-nation theory and negotiating on the issue of partition. The CR formula acted as the basis for the negotiations. Gandhi and Jinnah met in September 1944 to ease the deadlock. Gandhi offered the CR formula as his proposal to Jinnah.

1946 Quit India Movement 

At his Bombay meeting in Congress, the government staged a revolt against the British government in which he called the Quit India Movement the aim was to bring the British government under pressure Get weak before the Congress, and hand over power to them without caring about the Muslim League.

 1946-1947  Interim government
The British government, the interim Congress government in the subcontinent, and the Muslim League celebrated Black Day all over the country.

March 1947

The division of the subcontinent,
The arrival of lord Mountbatten on the subcontinent and The division of the subcontinent
In areas where Muslims and Hindus were predominant, they were given the option of becoming states, after which Jawaharlal Nehru and Pakistan's Muhammad Ali Jinnah announced that they would accept it.

14 August Creation of Pakistan

On the basis of the 3 June plan, the law of independence of India was passed and finally, Pakistan came into existence on 14 August 1947.

and Quaid-e-Azam says in his address,
"You are free; you are free to go to your temples.
 You are free to go to your mosques or to any other places of worship in this State of Pakistan. 
You may belong to any religion, caste, or creed - that has nothing to do with the business of the state.

From The Desk of M.A f Saleem.


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