Ambivert, introvert, and extravert personalities.

Muhammad  saleem

Ambivert, introvert, and extravert personalities 

are terms first coined


 Psychiatrist Carl Gustav Jung.

In the early 1900s, Carl Jung (1875-1961) in 1921. 

Carl Jung defines Ambivert,  Introverts, and extroverts.

personality types.

These personality types were popularized by the 20th-century Swiss psychiatrist Carl Jung.

He used the theory to better understand various behavioral patterns and attitudes of the people.

According to him, three types of personality are more common,

Ambivert personality.

Both things need to be balanced

Intermediate between Extroverts personality & Introverted personality,

Intensive contact with the outside world an introvert instead turns the psychic energy inwards. Jung believed that no one is a hundred percent extrovert or a hundred percent introvert instead we carry both traits, however, most minds tend to lean either to one side or the other. If both characteristics are equally present we can speak of someone who has an ambivert personality. Ambivert personality like people but want to be alone. 

The lives of Ambivert is a constant battle between getting out to the house and never waiting around people. 

Extroverts personality.

Prefer to live in the outside world, Seeing the garden, meeting people, If they go to the meeting, will meet more people and treat them well, present their own personalities very well.

Extroverts are more recognized because of their affable nature, gregarious and unreserved person who enjoys social interaction They make quick and easy friendships,  Extroverts tend to be more outgoing. Extroverts also need time and space to collect their thoughts and relax. Extroverts love to be surrounded, by their classmates. Extroverts enjoy being the center of attention and love to talk to their buddies about all kinds of stuff.

-An extrovert will open up to anyone, but an introvert confides in only a few.

-Extroverts are fine with open workspaces.

-Extroverts are easily distracted. 

-Extroverts seeking social stimuli gain mental energy. 

-Extroverts enjoy praise and attention.

-Extroverts are quick decision-makers.

-Extroverts easily accept change.

-An extrovert speaks more.

-An extrovert often has large groups of friends but the bonds are less strong.

-Extroverts enjoy group conversations.

-Extroverts like to recharge by being social. 

-The extrovert will likely want to go out and socialize more than the introvert.

Introverted personality.

They Meditate, They prefer solitude, They enjoy their work and their thoughts more.

Introverted people have a higher level of brain activity and therefore feel a greater need to shield themselves from external stimuli. By withdrawing themselves they gain mental energy. The neuronal activity of extroverts is lower. They overcome this lack by exposing themselves to external stimulation. introverts struggle to break out of their personal space

-Introverts like working in quiet spaces.

-Introverts do not enjoy praise and attention.

-Introverts tend to ponder decision-making more carefully.

-An introvert is good at focusing for long periods of time, and not easily distracted. but introverts tend not to.

-An introvert is a good listener.

-Introverts will have a smaller friends group but with closer bonds.

-Introverts enjoy one on one communication.

-Introverts prefer their own comfort zone.

-Introverted a person they need at least a little human interaction.

-The realities of nature are more secure.

Introverted personality.

self-aware because they like to spend time by themselves introverts tend to spend a lot of time thinking about themselves which makes them incredibly self-aware. 

Extroverts personality.
Social gatherings.

 social gatherings obviously you're probably an extrovert. if you're an extrovert you love being around people, in fact, it gives you the energy you get boosted from not only attending social gatherings but hosting them as well pretty much if you're happy around people, 

observe your personality.

From the desk of M.A f Saleem.

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