Idioms .

Muhammad  saleem

Today I am writing some English vocabulary and Idioms: 

- Happy- Elated / Euphoric 

-Good- delightful/pleasant 

-Bad- second class / God awful  weather

-Huge- colossal/towering 

Small- compact / itsy-bitsy 

Ran- sprinted / bolted

Smart- Quick-witted / Brainy

Saw- Glanced / Glimpsed 

Said- Affirmed / Retorted 

Funny- hysterical/wacky

Laughed- cracked up / doubled up

Like- soft-spot / fancy

We can use idioms too  

1) I was happy to see him
-Use I was over the moon to see him

2) leave: shade out
-The party was boring  I decided to shade out.

3) small: use wee
-As soon I walked out I saw a wee dog approached me
4) tired: knackered
-I knackered once I get home after work

5) she's a cheerful girl
-Use she's a perky girl.

6) I woke up early today
-Use I got up at sparrow's fart today and dashed towards my car and drove off.

7) stop wasting your time
-Use stop mucking around.

8) Happy - Elated (Very Happy), Euphoric (very very Happy)
 - I was feeling Euphoric when he proposed to me.
-I was elated when I was promoted.

9) Saw - Glimpsed, Glanced.
- I took a glimpse of the audience before going out on the stage.
-I glanced at him, but couldn't take my eyes off.

10) Ran - Bolted, Sprinted 
- As soon as I saw the burger after a year, I bolted to get it.

11) Huge - Colossal (Very Large), Towering.
- I have my results coming soon and the tension is towering up every moment.
-The client has given me a Colossal task.

12) Bad - Second class, God awful.
-He has a God-awful taste for fashion.
-The restaurant is too second class.

13)Good - Delightful, Pleasent
-I was delighted by her performance.
-It was a Delightful evening indeed.

14) Smart - Quick-witted, Brainy
-Sabia is my best friend, she is quick-witted and a soft-hearted person.

15) Said - Retorted, Affirmed
-I affirmed to her that you were speaking the truth.

16) Little - Itsy Bitsy, tiny, Compact

17) Laughed - Doubled up, cracked up.
-You were cracking up in all her jokes, but I didn't find him wacky.

18) Funny - Wacky, Hysterical

19) Like - Adore, soft corner, fancy

-I fancy this place! It has my heart!

20)Barrel of laugh: 
-someone who is very funny

21)Old as the hills: 
-some who is very old

22)In the doghouse:
-To have some unhappy with you

23)Up for grabs:
- Available for anyone

24)Split hairs:
- Argue or worry about small details

25)Round the bend: Crazy, insane

26)See eye to eye: To concur, agree

27)Break a leg: Good luck

28)Ball is in your court: 
-It is up to you Forty winks: a short nap to make the next decision or step

29)Barking up the wrong tree:
- Looking Black and blue: 
-Describe something
in the wrong place.

29)Be glad to see the back of Be happy Golden opportunity: 
-The perfect when a person leaves.

30)Against The Clock: 
-Rushed and short Have the blues: Be sad or depressed on time.

31)Don't judge a book by its cover:
-Don't judge something primarily by Doing your homework: You can't its appearance.

32)Kick The Bucket: -Die

- a weirdo or a strange person

34)Knee Jerk Reaction: 
-A quick and automatic response

35)Hang in there:
- Don't give up

36)Pull yourself together: 
-Calm down

37)So far so good: 
-Things are going we so far

38)Down to earth:
- sensible and realist

39)Curiosity killed the cat: 
-Ali being too curious can get you into trouble

40)9 Elvis has left the building: the show has come to an end It's all over

41)2 Last straw: 
-The final problem in a series of problems

42)Joined at the hip:
- to be exceptionally close to someone

43)Elbow grease: 
-hard physical effort

 Faint that is badly bruised

45)Black sheep:
- A person who is disrespectful to a family or group

46)The cherry on the cake:
-The final thing that makes something perfect.

47)Under one's belt:
-Saba has almost a year as a minister under her belt.

48)As far as anyone knows: As far as

49)anyone knows, this is the last of the
great herds of buffalo.

50)Bad egg: 
-someone who is not to be trusted. 
written by M.A f Saleem.

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