What is ketogenic diet .

Muhammad  saleem


  ketogenic diet 

Today I write what is ketogenic diet is:

Ketogenic diet carbohydrate but it's not either it comes from fat but a ketone is an alternative fuel source and the way that you get ketones is you simply lower your carbohydrates in your diet or you reduce the frequency of eating and this is why in this recommend a low carb diet within minute fasting.

ketones have many advantages 
regular glucose fuel number one and it will increase the oxygen in your body
-it increases your energy
-it supports the brain in fact your brain prefers ketones over glucose
-same thing with the heart if your heart is damaged or your brain is damaged

ketones are the answer 

and they can

bypass the mechanical damage pathways and feed the tissues directly most of the body tissues can run in ketones but some parts need glucose and this is the confusion that people have they think they need to consume glucose to get glucose no there's something called gluconeogenesis ok.

How damaged insulin is in your body?
 How damaged is your pancreas?

 is if you are a pre-diabetic if you are a diabetic if you have insulin or is instance it's gonna take longer and longer to adapt but by lowering the carbs and going in a minute fasting you'll get there a lot faster than.

 How to get in ketosis lower the carb and lower the frequency of eating.

ketosis the big benefit 

Is of  doing that well you're gonna lower insulin and most people have high insulin rarely does your doctor ever test you for insulin they'll test you for glucose but not insulin if they did they probably would find higher levels of insulin the tests that you would want to do is called Homa- ir and that will pick this up too much insulin causes insulin resistance is behind pre-diabetes insulin resistance is behind metabolic syndrome high blood pressure a fat in the gut area right through here and pre-diabetes leads to diabetes so in reality diabetes stems from high levels of insulin at a certain point and so keto and in Amana fasting,

Will lower insulin and that is the big benefit of doing this there's a lot of other benefits too --you can reduce fat

 - your liver can improve.
- your cognitive performance 
-you can improve your mood.
-you can help decrease blood pressure.
-decrease inflammation improve your energy.
-decrease your belly fat.

 but the real big benefit that allows you to do this eating plan is your

hunger goes away okay without being hungry all the time makes it really easy to do long-term as a healthy lifestyle and there's even an additional benefit if you're doing intermittent fasting that's a toff adj basically

what this is it's a recycling of garbage in your tissue so all the damaged protein the protein that your body doesn't need it's clogging everything up guess what your body will recycle that and turn that into new amino acids that's one of the big things about the stage to do this you have to fast at least for 18 hours so the combination of Quito and if' work very very nicely together because if you just do Quito without in minute fasting and your metabolism is slow you may not achieve your weight loss goal or you're other goals because it would take a very very long time and sometimes it's not going to work why because the frequency of eating, in general, will trigger insulin so the frequency of eating is actually very very important in relation to you lowering insulin all right then you have this concept of a healthy keto plan versus dirty keto of course, we recommend the healthy keto and this basically is higher quality ingredients grass-fed Wow  caught pasture-raised versus conventional type foods right here with healthy keto you're focused on nutrient-dense foods with dirty Kido you're really just focused on keeping your carbs are low. 

when you do healthy keto you end up looking a lot better than doing their dirty keto alright the rule of thumb is don't eat unless you have hunger okay unless you
have the sensation of being hungry when you're doing the healthy version of keto and you're doing enough leafy greens and vegetables okay and you're doing enough healthy fats and you're improving insulin resistance.

we have about 5 percent carbs

total calories and then 5 percent vegetables which by the way

actually adds up to a lot because if you look at the carbohydrates and vegetables you - the fiber giving the net carb it doesn't come out to a lot of calories so if we look at the total carbs which

would include 

-berries hummus nuts

- seeds there's a few carbs in those and you combine the vegetables


that's like 10% then we have 20% protein and then we have 70% fat now the fat looks like a lot but realize fat is basically double the calories of other macronutrients but if we actually look at an actual with your food on the plate if you just look at it like this to keep it really simply have to play it vegetables okay.

 a coordinate would be protein and quarter be fat but because protein is fat usually come together that's going to be pretty much half your plate that's what it should look like the

 benefit of the vegetables are the vitamin C and minerals other nutrients and phytonutrients,

important things so now let's just put it all together ideally when you wake up in the morning if you keep your carbs low you're not going to be hungry so you want to skip breakfast and push it forward to the point where yourbreakfast now becomes your lunch so  don't eat in the morning you can do coffee or tea so ideally your first meal would be at lunch right here and then your second meal would be a dinner sonyou're doing two meals a day if you keepnthis within a six-hour window that willngive you an 18 hour fast now what'snreally magical about 18 hours as that'sngetting some really cool benefits the the way that avoids snacking between the meals is add a little more fat with this meal and this meal to be able to go longer okay and then as you start doing it and becoming more adapted you can kind of cut back on some of the fat because you're gonna be burning your own fat and your own fat is the healthiest fat that you can burn but the key is this 18 hour fast right here if you have to snack but within your eating window fine if you need to do that sea salt that's a necessity but in this diet recommend  you don't eat anything become foods that are really good to focus on would be pasture-raised eggs okay,

Organic it's all possible shellfish fish sardines meats 

Organic cheese

 now a lot of people don't do well in cheese has a lot of hormones it's not good for people with prostate issues is not good with people that have allergies so some people do not do well in cheese,

Avocados lots of vegetables 7 to 10 cups very beneficial nuts for some people they don't do well on that especially if they're prone to kidney stones you have to be careful with almonds ok.

spinach so it avoids those if you're prone to kidney stones.

 sunflower seeds are perfect on a ketogenic plan alright here you have it the basic

ketogenic plan for beginners so if you want more knowledge on how to create a healthy body read a health blog.

from the desk of M.A f Saleem.


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