Some diamond thoughts to mend your life.

Muhammad  saleem

Some diamond thought to mend your lif
Overthinking is nothing but kill your hapiness

 Before you are going to sleep every night forgive everyone and sleep with a clean heart. 

Happiness starts with you, not with whom you are related.

Money is the worst discovery of human life but it is the most trusted material to test human nature.

Talk with your brain follow your heart. 

Don't judge any people for their past people learn, change and move on. 

Choose to love the one who makes your world beautiful don't choose to love the most beautiful person in the world 

You are responsible for your own happiness if you expect others to make you happy you will be always disappointed 

In negative situations, you can stay positive and change them.

Those people who love you from their  heart, not from their mind are the precious person in the universe 

When someone does something wrong don't forget it.

It is not a dustbin to keep anger heart and jealousy but your heart is a  Treasure box to keep love and happiness and joyful moments remember you’re lovely memories.

 Ego is just like the dust of Eyes without cleaning and dust you can't see everything clearly so clear your ego and see this side of the world

 Never ever your loss is a loss of another person.

 Argue with the stupid people like trying to kill a mosquito in your cheek you may not kill it but slap on your own face ans hurt jour ownself.

 One bad chapter does not mean that  the whole story of your life is over.

 Success is the reflection of your choice you have been chosen and make different you from other people.

 Your problem is not a problem it is a reflection of your fear.

  The happiness of your life depends on the quality of your thoughts.

 There is no greater wealth in the world but a peaceful mind.

 Knowledge is the most powerful tool to solve the problem.

 Silence is the way to avoid any big problems.

 If people don't make effort they don't get success in their life.

 The greatest gift you can give someone is your time because you give your time you are giving your portion of your life that will never come back.

Never escape the truth because of your ego.

 Knowing the truth seeing the truth but still believe in lies is the definition of foo!.

 If you are still looking for that one person who will change your life take a look in the mirror you are the person who changes your life no anyone else.

 Never give up greatest thing take time to happen  take time, time change everything

 Never blame anyone in your life good people give you happiness, bad people give you experience and lessons and the best people give you memories.

 Don't waste your life trying to impress other people, Be in yourself.

 Don't believe those who tell you that, they love you believe those who show you in their action that what about they feel and give you respect.

 Sometimes things that hurt you most teach you a great lesson in your life.

 Does not need to be perfect in your life just to be true in your life, Don't make your personality fake. Be real, your the person who has achieved in their lives in their past and in their future.

 Maturity is learning to walk away from people and situations that create torcher your mind, destroy your peace,  demotivate your self-respect and your values and your morals.

 The tongue has no bones but it is strong enough to break a heart so be careful to use it before use it.

 Love is the most beautiful thing to have the hardest thing to earn and the painful thing to lose.

 Let go of the things that hurt you and never forget what they teach you.

 If you can't handle the stress you can't handle success

 Learn from anyone don't follow anyone because every person has some lake in their personality.

Trust is like a paper puppet once it's trampled it can be perfect again.

 Life is not about pleasing other people.

 Don't close the book when bad things happen in your life turn the page and start a new chapter you see the change in your life and you grow faster than previous.

 It's your right to define your own life don't let people write your script.

 Don't you accept something in return for being a nice person if you do you are not a nice person?

You live most of your life inside of your heart make sure that it is nice to be placed where you live your half-life.

 Life is like a book some chapter is bad, some chapter makes you happy, some chapter makes you excited, and some chapter you want never learn again some chapter that you hold in your hand and they make your memories.

 When something is gone wait there is a great thing to come.

It only takes a few seconds to change your mind and change your heart to someone but sometimes it takes years to repair the damage. 

Understanding is the deepest thing there are many people who know you but there are few who understand you.

From the desk of M.A.f saleem.

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  1. As like your title excellent and really diamond sentences.

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