How do you think you're going to grow.

Muhammad  saleem

Change your thinking can change your life.
 You should have to change your condition, because
 only you can change your condition,
don't think  anyone does this,
Don't you are the person who built yourself,

REMEMBER one thing that  I learn from History is that nothing is forever in  this world,
Happiness, Joy, Health, Money, Illness, 

Compromise with your condition,
Not okay,
it's okay to not be okay,
it's just not okay to stay that way you which you feel depress your life, you deserve better, best  the one thing I know about emotions is that they change one hour from right now you will not feel the same that you might be in your darkest moment it is always too soon to quit you have a reason to live
your best days are in front of you and you have dreams,
you have goals, 
you are ambitious,
 you are successful so get up for your future.

it is always too soon to quit just because you failed in any way in your life doesn't mean it's final change.

you're in a season of failure but just because you failed doesn't mean that God doesn't have a bright future for you.

Joy is not in the success.

joy is not in the success the joy is in trying the joy is in the process that I'm going to keep working I'm going to keep going I am going to learning, I am going to my work in it, I become a professional it sees failure process,

Joy is its part of the journey,

 your failure matters as much as your success,

how do you think you're going to grow

 if you don't ever fail yet some of you have failed and you have decided failed doesn't mean that you're a failure in fact failure is actually fuel for your future the way that you grow, the way that you advance you have to fail in order to succeed.

 Life is going to happen and you're gonna set up a plan and you're gonna have a vision and you're gonna hope that it's gonna turn out perfect but what so often happens in life is that things get burned and things go the wrong way and it's in that moment that you're gonna have to choose your reaction are you just gonna look at the surface of the problem.


Are you gonna get deeper into the problem and discover even in the problem there could be a purpose to your pain and somehow god could use this thing right now that you need to hear loud and clear you need to get in your spirit an event has happened and something happened and maybe you have failed?


 I want to remind you that failure is not final it's formative it is not finality is formative it is part of the process it's part of the journey your failure matters as much as your success 

How do you think you're gonna grow if you don't ever fail we live in a world.

Today that's got us so focused on everybody else that we're comparing our life to everybody else's life and really what's taking place is that so many of us struggle with this thing called,

-FOMO fear.

Fear of missing.

FOMO fear.

"fear of missing out," is a real phenomenon that is becoming increasingly common and can cause significant stress in your life.

 It can affect just about anyone, but some people are at greater risk.

-Overcoming FOMO

-Where FOMO Comes From. ...

-Embrace the JOMO (Joy of Missing Out) ...

-Limit Your Social Media Intake. ...

-Go to a Digital Detox Camp. ...

-Remind Yourself Social Media Is Airbrushed. ...

-Be Grateful. ...

-Practice Meditation. ...

-Change Your Thoughts.

Studies show that FOMO leads to extreme dissatisfaction and has a detrimental effect on our physical and mental health

 – mood swings, 


-feelings of inferiority, 

-reduced self-esteem,

 -extreme social anxiety,

  -increased levels of negativity and depression.

to be there;

 I want to be there and anxiety and fear come whenever you start dwelling on the past and whenever you're afraid of the future the only way that you actually step into happiness and joy is when you put the focus on where you are at and get engaged with the thing that you're doing forming your future you need to change your mind,

Self-awareness is important because when we have a better understanding of ourselves, we are able to experience ourselves as unique and separate individuals. We are then empowered to make changes and to build on our areas of strength as well as identify areas where we would like to make improvements.

you should have

Keep an open mind. When you can regulate your own emotional world, you can be attuned to others' emotions. ...
-control your strengths and weaknesses.
-Set boundaries.
-Know and control your emotional triggers. ...
-Embrace your intuition. 
-Practice self-discipline.


Yesterday, I am clever I want to change the world,

Today, I am wise I change myself.

Not all storms come to depressed your life

Some come to clear your path.

from the desk of M.A f saleem.

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