Awarnness of fatty liver.

Muhammad  saleem


liver play more than 500 vital functions have been identified with the liver. Some of the more well-known functions include the following: Production of bile, which helps carry away waste and break down fats in the small intestine during digestion.

 today's topic is about Fatty Liver.

Fatty Liver is a medical condition in which gradually fats build up in the liver. Many people feel if they have fatty liver then all the stomach complaints related to indigestion or gastric are caused by this ailment, but it is not correct at all.

In today’s age one new reason has come up which is related to our

Ailments related to lifestyles such as hypertension, sugar, obesity, and high cholesterol in the blood are also some of the reasons. Cholesterol in the blood slowly enters into the liver and becomes the reason for Fatty Liver. Now there are two different categories of fatty liver Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease and  Non- Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease.

 Non- Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease.

Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease is which happens due to alcohol consumption. But Both have different reasons but the impact of the disease is almost the same.

The next question that arises is whether this Fatty liver is harmful to the human body?

yes,in short harmful where there is no swelling in liver cells it doesn’t harm at all for years.

In 15 to 20 years whole liver becomes scarred and sometimes it fails too.

Even stage occurs where there is a need for Liver transplantation.

Liver transplantation.

when the fatty liver becomes liver cancer But the good thing is, this is a very rare condition, and only 8% of people reach up to this level. the general public almost 60% of such population can have a fatty liver problem. known as Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease.


the symptoms of this then at the initial stage there are no symptoms at all.

But in almost 10-15% of people,

-Abdominal pain feeling of fullness in the upper right side of the abdomen (belly).

-Nausea, loss of appetite, or weight loss.

-Yellowish skin

 -(jaundice).whites of the eyes 

-Swollen abdomen and legs (edema).

-Extreme tiredness or mental confusion.


it is seen that in the upper right portion of our abdomen there is a dragging sensation or heaviness which can be due to this disease. Apart from this, there are no other symptoms, they can be seen in very late stage. Hence it is necessary to diagnose this disease at a very early stage so that it can be treated.

Nowadays through body checkups like Ultra Sound, fatty liver can be diagnosed. Or else if you are doing abdomen Ultra-sound maybe for a kidney in that too Fatty Liver can be diagnosed. The tests which we mainly do are blood tests such as AZUT, AZPT, complete liver function, and a special test called Fibroscan which is similar to Sonography, in which we can capture earlier scarring in the liver as well.


As we know this is a lifestyle-related disease It is seen that if we can reduce our weight by 5 to 10% then easily this ailment can be controlled.

A healthy lifestyle means daily we should have 30 minutes of fast walking,

we should change our food habits and we should consume less fried food and sweet food (surgery food).

In short, we should do a 30% reduction of our calories to protect ourselves from these diseases.

if lifestyle-related ailment, if we should have to control all other diseases to adopt a healthy lifestyle

some basics about the liver is about three and a half pounds

it sits over on the right side right about here it has 500 different functions here's the problem when someone develops a fatty liver there is virtually no symptoms at all now you start to develop a gut but it's very rare to have symptoms until it starts becoming more advanced and then eventually the person starts getting fatigued weak nausea abdominal pain right shoulder pain pain in the upper right trap maybe some headaches on the cirrhosis and this is scar tissue now builds up in the liver and in this detoxify okay so you build up toxic waste you also build up excessive amounts of cortisol because the liver is the organ to help buffer and regulate excessive amounts of cortisol that's the stress hormone this is one of the causes to a an adrenal fatigue problem also you start building up excessive amounts of estrogen this can manifest as many different things bthat's estrogen dominant if liver cant do its function  you can have cancer so a functional liver is really important in the detoxification and regulation of these two hormones right here the other problem is when you have less function of the liver you get less absorb vitamin A D e K omega-3 fatty acids and the list goes on and on and on.

10 foods good for liver repair:

The body is more important we will often say that heart is truly the heart which is a muscular organ is very crucial to our existence if it stops we die however the liver is equally as important that it plays to make the human body function and the foods you should often eat to A healthy body is essential to several processes responsible for eliminating toxins within the body, given all these vital functions it's no surprise that this organ can quickly become overworked to help keep it healthy.

A diet with these 10 foods good for liver repair

1. beets beetroot is known for its incredible health effects,

especially in reducing oxidative damage in the body don't be afraid to add them to your salads or even blend them up for fresh  soups

2. berries berries,

 are rich in antioxidants that help protect and repair the liver blueberries are especially beneficial to liver health and are potent enough to fight against liver cancer

3. cruciferous vegetables,

first, we find out what is cruciferous vegetables


-Bok choy.


-Brussels sprouts.



cruciferous vegetables offer many health benefits because they are rich in

enzymes that detoxify the body those enzymes are essential to liver

health and can reduce the risk of liver disease and cancer 

4. fatty fish,

fatty fish shows remarkable protective effects on the liver researchers consider it as one of the best foods to eat when managing liver diseases like non-alcoholic steatohepatitis nash and non-alcoholic fatty liver disease.


 garlic supplementation on people with non-alcoholic fatty liver disease found that 400 milligrams of garlic powder help reduce fat mass and body. The weight helps by reducing the load on the liver although the researcher’s study focused on the use of garlic powder supplementation there's good reason to believe that you'll get the same protective effects from consuming fresh and cooked garlic.

6. grapefruit,

 grapefruit is best known for its ability to boost the immune system it is also rich in antioxidants that provide incredible protective effects on the body in particular grapefruit consumption helps reduce liver inflammation and consequently minimizes your risk for liver damage.


grapes are rich in antioxidants that help prevent chronic diseases and protect against a variety of cancers its effects on the liver using grape juice concentrate to prevent liver degeneration but you don't need to treat yourself with grape juice concentrate drinking regular grape juice or consuming the fruit frequently will allow your body to enjoy its protective effects.

8.eight nuts ,

nuts are rich in good fats and antioxidants that are known for their protective effects on the heart but in recent years nut consumption has also been linked with liver health who consume more nuts have a lower risk of heart disease protective effects on the liver.

9. oatmeal,

 is a high fiber food that is especially rich in a compound called beta-glucans this combination of nutrients makes it not just an excellent option to support heart and gut health but also for optimum liver function anti-inflammatory and anti-obesity effects by reducing the inflammation and fat in the body oatmeal consumption helps the liver repair itself

10. Prickly pear,

 prickly pear is an edible cactus that has long been used in natural medicine to treat a variety of health conditions including liver disease natural products to repair and protect the liver from damage although extracts there is good reason to believe that eating the fruit and drinking its juice should have liver repairing effects as well as frequently as possible eat these 10 foods good for liver repair doing so will give you the nutrition you need to make sure that your liver is functioning efficiently by loading up on these foods you don't just protect one of the most vital organs in your body but also minimize your risk for severe illness.

-Capable to regrow,

The liver is the only internal organ capable to regrow. after surgery, 30 percent of your liver can regrow to its original volume.

From the desk of M.A f Saleem.



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