Important questions for board preparation 9th class Biology.

Muhammad  saleem

important questions for board preparation 9th class Biology.

 Important questions for board preparation 9th class Biology.


a. What is life? Name the branches of biology and define them?
b. Explian Brassica flower with labile diagram?
c. Define Frogs with their different organ systems?
d. Define 
e. Amoeba
f. Volvox

2. Solving A Biological Problem

1. Define Biological Metod and explian it?


1. Introduction, Definition, and Importance of biodiversity?
2. Define the History and Principle of Classification?
3. Define Four and Five kingdom life?
4. Why species is called as smallest taxonomic level?
5. Explian Biodiversity and Deforestation?
6. What is Taxonomic Hierarchy? Explain the aims of classification?
7. Describe the effect of deforestation on biodiversity


1. What is Microscope and define its type?


1. Cell theory define Sub-cellular or Acellular Particles?
2. Define Cell 
3. Cell Wall
4. Cell Membrane
5. Structure of Cell Membrane
6. MovmentAcross the Membrane
7. Describe the structure and function of the nucleus with the help of a diagram.
8. What are tissues? Name different types of plant tissues. Describe simple permanent tissues in detail. (Diagram is not necessary)


9. Write a detailed note on animal tissues. (Diagram is not necessary)
Describe the following:
a. Endoplasmic Reticulum
b. Golgi Body
c. Vesicles and 
Short Definitions:
a. Plastids
b. Chloroplasts
c. Leucoplasta
a. Prokaryotic and Eukaryotic Cell.
b. Mitochondria and Chromoplasts
c. Lysosomes and Ribosomse


1. Chromosome formation, structure, and Function?
2. Define Mitosis and Meiosis
3. Describe the various stages of mitosis with a suitable diagram?
4. How number of  Chromosomes remain constant from generation to generation?
5. Why interphase is called a phase of high metabolic activities?
6. Why interphase between Meiosis-I and Meiosis-II is short? 
7. Describe stages of meiosis-I with suitable diagrams.
8. Define tissue. Explain muscle tissue and its types in detail.

6. Enzymes

1. What are enzymes? Describe any five characteristics of enzymes. what are enzymes specific in nature?
2. How enzymes are used in industries?
3. Describe factors affecting enzyme activity.
4. Write any three differences between Activator and Inhibitor
5. Write any three differences between  Anabolic and Catabolic?

7. Bioenergetic

1. Define Photosynthesis. 
2. Describe phases of photosynthesis with a suitable diagram?
3. Define respiration. Describe the usage of respiration energy in the body of an organism?
4. Explain anaerobic respiration and aerobic respiration. Also, write a chemical equation for each.
5. How is respiration different from Breathing?
6. Describe anaerobic respiration in human beings/living systems?

8. Nutrition

1. What are vitamins? Describe types of vitamins?
2. Define autotrophic nutrition and heterotrophic nutrition. Explain different methods of heterotrophic nutrition in plants.?
3. Difference between Fat-soluble and water-soluble?
4. Describe mineral deficiency diseases in humans?
5. Effect of  Malnutrition? Describe the effect of Malnutrition on humans?
6. Human Alimentry Canal explian?
7. Describe the function of the stomach and intestine with a suitable diagram of the human digestive system?
8. Describe the function of the large intestine?
9. Describe the function of the liver?
10. Describe the disorder of the Gut?
11. Why fats are called the most efficient from food?
12. Why nitrogen is essential for plants?
13. Describe environmental hazards related to chemical fertilizers?
14. Describe the function of the stomach and intestine with suitable diagram of the human digestive system

9. Transpiration

1. Define transpiration and explain factors that affect its rate? Where it occurs? Explain the factors affecting the rate of transpiration? Expian the mechanism of transpiration and factors affecting transpiration?
2. What is Active Transport?
3. Describe the structure of the human heart with a suitable diagram. 
4. Describe the internal Structure of the Human Heart
5. What is blood? Explain the composition of blood and Function of blood?
6. Why capillaries are made up of a single layer of endothelium?
7. why is transpiration necessary for plants?

 Define following:
I. Thalassemia
II.  Leukemia

from the desk of 
M.A f Saleem.


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