International Left Hander’s Day /Left-hand people problem and famous personalities.

Muhammad  saleem


International Left Hander’s Day /Left-hand people problem and famous personalities.

Approximately 15% of the world's population is left-handed. Left-handedness is far less common than right-handedness. Left-handed people are more skillful with their left hands when performing tasks. Left-handed people are believed to be more capable than right-handed people. The Netherlands has the highest number of left-handed people in the world. The word left in English is derived from the Anglo-Saxon word lyft, which means weak or broken. There are more left-handed men in the world than left-handed women. People who excel in most sports, such as tennis, swimming, baseball, and boxing, are left-handed.

International Left Hander’s Day is celebrated on August 13th.

Not only are left-handed people a  rare breed, but they also have their own holiday. The day to celebrate this trait is August thirteenth of every year. 

French scientist Paul Broca's theory of the region of our brains.

Paul Broca discovered that a region of our brains used for speech processing is usually located on one side. Language is a complex process, and the move to one hemisphere probably helps the brain deal with it more efficiently. In 1861 he announced his discovery of the seats of articulate speech in the left frontal region of the brain since known as the convolution of Broca.


A simpler theory is just that nature enjoys variety. Chris McManus believes that left-handers may have what he calls “random cerebral variation”, their brains are more shuffled up. This might lead to more unexpected connections, and more cross-talk between the right and left

Are you left-handed? Have you ever had any interesting or difficult events because of it? 

Some facts about left-handed people.

Left-handed people use the right side of the brain more. This part of the brain helps and regulates a person's creativity.

Left-handed people need to have their nails trimmed regularly as the nails on their

left hand grows faster.

Left-handed people are more prone to ailments like allergies and migraines.

Most left-handed people suffer from insomnia.

Left-handed people are more likely to be addicted to alcohol because the tolerance

level on the right side of the brain is low.

Many may have the ability to do multitask or multiple tasks at once. All of that may

have been achieved as part of many years of training. But left-handed people are naturally

capable of multitasking.

Good artists.

Left-handed people are good artists. They mostly choose creative careers.

Left-handed people have a lower risk of developing diseases such as ulcers and arthritis.

When twins are born, the chances of becoming left-handed are twice as high as usual. Women in their forties or older are more likely to give birth to left-handed babies.

. Left-handed people have a very high sense of hearing


Although lefties have a lot of great traits, there are some things they’re more likely to do that could have an adverse effect on their health. One of these things is drinking. According to various studies, left-handed are more likely to overuse alcohol than those who are right-hand dominant. This is because the right side of the brain doesn’t tolerate alcohol as well. However,  despite the research, there is no conclusive evidence on whether or not it’s true that lefties drink more. 

Famous people.

Left-handed people are very smart. Besides, the most famous inventors like Isaac Newton,

Benjamin Franklin and Henry Ford, the founder of the Ford Motor Company were left-handed.

Five of the eight recent presidents of the United States are left-handed. They are

Donald Trump, Barack Obama, Bill Clinton, George H. W. Bush, and Ronald Reagan.

The most famous left-handers in history are Albert Einstein, Mahatma Gandhi, Bill

Gates, Neil Armstrong, Marie Curie, Mark Twain, Mozart, Narendra Modi, Leonardo Da Vinci,

Mark Twain was an American humorist, novelist, and travel writer. Today he is best remembered as the author of The Adventures of Tom Sawyer (1876) and Adventures of Huckleberry Finn (1885).

Julius Caesar, German Beethoven, Sylvester Stallone, Sachin Tendulkar, Diego Maradona,

Mark Zuckerberg, Aristotle, And Steve Jobs.

The British royal family is a prime example of the tradition of having left-handed people.

Queen Mother, Queen Elizabeth II, Prince Charles, and Prince William are all left-handed.

Left-handers have proven to be good fighters. Alexander the Great and Napoleon Bonaparte

were left-handed.

Also, left-handed people have even gone to the moon. Two of the  Apollo 11 spacemen who were the first to land on  

Earth’s satellites were left-handed. They include  Mike Collins and Buzz Aldrin. An average of one  

in four Apollo astronauts were southpaws,  which is much higher than average. Others  

astronaut lefties are Ed Mitchell, Jim Lovell,  Wally Schirra, Dick Gordon, and Charlie Duke.

Why left-hand face disrespect?

People in this world believe that an itchy left hand indicates you will lose money and an itchy right hand, you will receive money. Left-handed children have not performed as well as right-handed children at school. Mental disorders are said to be common among left-handed people. Even language hates lefties. To be correct is to be right… and correct is also a word that comes from “right”. 

Unfortunately, lefties have received a lot of negative attention throughout history in many countries. A long time ago, some places required that people use their right hand for handling food, greeting people, and eating. The left hand was reserved for using the bathroom and other hygienic purposes. These regulations were enforced on everyone whether or not they were right-handed. So, a person’s left hand was eventually considered dirty. Religion also plays a significant role in the mistreatment of left-handed people. Because of this, children have often been forced to use their right hand for writing and various other activities despite being left-dominant. Unsurprisingly, this can harm the child. Dyslexia, learning disorders, and speech impediments can result from converting a person to right-handedness. In fact, many countries still try and change people’s natural constitutions.  For instance, eating with your left hand is considered disrespectful in Indonesia and India.  Other countries associate lefties with bad luck.  

Why did the left-hander force to do work with your right hand?

Another reason for this could be result of necessity. Items like scissors,  ballpoint pens, and spiral notebooks are all made for right-handed people. So, left-handers have had to learn to cope by using their right hands. These are some examples, red poppies are a dime a dozen.

from the desk of M.A f Saleem.


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