1st year English pattern, Guess paper with 10-year reference by powerandcommand.

Muhammad  saleem


1st year English Pattern.

Division of Numbers.

 ( Sec A -20 marks MCQs.Sec-B 30Marks, Section, C-50 marks.

Sec A -20 marks.

Division of  20-marks (MCQ'S.).

(10-Marks Synonyms. )

(5-marks of missing information.BOOK-1)

(5-correction of verbs/Parts of speech/preposition/article.)

Sec B 30Marks.

Question No# 2 is divided into 3 parts.

Sub Section-1,

 Intermediate English book 1. (PROSE)

A- (10 question attempt any 6.)

Sub Section-2, 

 Intermediate English book-2.(VERSE).

B- (8 question attempt any 5.)

Sub Section-3,
Intermediate English book-3.(TWO ONE-ACT PLAYS.)

C-(7 question attempt any 4.)

Section C 50 marks

Q-3 short stories on anyone topic. (10-marks)

Q-4.letter. OR Application. (10-marks.)

Q-5.Question number 5. (15-marks.)

(Question No# 5 is divided into 3 parts.)

A-Reference to context (5-marks).

B-Punctuate the following (book-1). (5-marks).

C-Pair of words any five. (5-marks).

Q-6 Translate the following passage. (Book-1).


ESSAY or Dialogue.

(Dialogue, explain in your own words like an essay)


Pakistan Zindabad 

1. How was the Quaid-e-Azam welcomed on 7th August 19477?  (2014)

2. Now you are free, you are free to go to your temples... You may belong to any religion. We are all citizens and equal citizens of one state' Who said these words what message does this speech convey to the people?


what was the state of  Muslims in United India before the creation of Pakistan?

3. Why did the author call the first year of Pakistan's history a troubled one?(2017)


Why did the writer apply the word "Terrible" to the first year of Pakistan's history as an independent state? 

4. Why did the meeting between Gandhi and Jinnah not yield any final settlement? (2012,pri)

5. Mention five prominent qualities of the Quaid e Azam that made him a great leader all How does Pakistan compare in size and population with the other nations?

6, What was the essence Pakistan Resolution passed? (2015)


State briefly what did see Pakistan Resolution decide?

7. What are the qualities of Quaid-e-Azam as mentioned in Pakistan Zindabad ?***


'Think hundred times before you make the decision but once the decision is taken by it as one man.' what is the message of this quotation?

8. Why does the writer of all the Muslims as a small defeated group with a little too much hope?


Why did the congress leader spend most of the second world war in prison?

9.. What did the Quaid e Azam tell his people a few days after he landed in Karachi? 

10. Why did Kashmir not join Pakistan? (2012-17)(2019)

Birkenhead Drill.

1. What happened to the troopship Birkenhead on 25 February 1851? /When and where does Birkenhead sink?

2. Describe one heroic action that took place after the Birkenhead went down?

3. What was the heroic action of the commander of crops on the Birkenhead Drill? (2015)(2011)

4. How did the Birkenhead come to be wrecked? (2018)(2012)

 5. What was the attitude of the soldiers in Birkenhead Drill? (2014)(2012)

6. What would have happened if there had been a Birkenhead? Describe the behavior of the soldiers while the women and children escaped in the boats? (2013)


What lesson do you learn from Birkenhead Drill? Was any member of her crew too I blamed? 

7. What would probably have happened had there been panic on the ship Birkenhead?

 8. What moral do we extract from the incident of the "Birkenhead Drill"?

9. Why was the life-boats accommodation for only 180 people after the collision with the rock?

10. What happened to Birkenhead Drill and how were the people saved?

11. what was the attitude of the soldier Birkenhead? (2014)

United Nation.

1. For what purpose was the UNO organized? how far has it succeeded in its aim? (2019)(2015)(2014)

1. What inspired the foundation of the United Nations Organization?

2. How far has it been successful in solving various world issues?/ When and why was UNO formed? 

3. Does the UNO fulfill its target? How far is it successful in establishing peace in t world? / How successful has the UNO been in preventing local wars? 

4. Name the chief organs of UNO.

- Write the functions of each?


. WHO.

. UNICEF(2017) 

. FAO (2017)

. International Bank (2012)?

5. Write a note on the working of the Security Council. and The General Assembly? (2013)

6. When and Why was the UNO formed and what are the aims and functions?

7. Does the UNO fulfill its target? How successful has the UNO been so far in preventing local wars?

8. What are the functions of UNESCO or WHO or General Assembly OR Security Council.? 

9. What part of the work of the U.N.O. appears to have provided the most promising result? 

10. what are the factors responsible for war how can we prevent war?

My bank account.

1. why was there 'a roar of laughter when the author left the bank? (2010)

2. What had happened to Stephen Leacock When he visited the bank?/according to the author, what is the effect upon him of entering the bank to do business?

3. Why did Leacock rush out of the bank after getting his total amount?

4. What was the manager's reaction when the author told him that he would like to see him alone?

5. What mistakes does the writer make when he tries to is to the bank and why does he do so? 

6. What mistake author make while writing the cheque? (2019)(2013)

7. What was the manager's reaction when the author him alone? (2018)

9. Why is it wiser to keep one's money in a back than to hoard it in one's home? (2014)

Wolves of Cernogratz.

1. What was the actual story attached to the castle of the Cernogratz family? (2015)

2. What is the case of the mystery happening in the story Wolves of Cernogratz? (2011-10)

3. What does the death of Amalie von Cernogratz prove?

 4. Why were the Baron and Baroness angry with Amalie? (2011)

5. "I am not lonely anymore; I am one of a great old family ...... Who said this What do you know about the speaker? (2013)

 6. Why did Amalie change her name in the story "The Wolves of Cernogratz"?(2012)

7. What was the real story attached to the castle of Cernogratz? Who told it?

8. Why were the Baron and the Baroness angry with Amalie?

9. Why did Amalie change her name in the story 'The Wolves of Cernogratz'?

10.What legend is assosiated with the castel of  Cernogratz?(2017) (2014)(2010)

The Hostile Witness.

1 Why did Manning never believe that King was the murderer?

 2. Why had Mr. King changed his views about the performance of the British Police

 3. Why did Detective Sergeant Manning first speak rather coldly to the group in the hotel lounge?

 4. At what point in The Hostile Witness does the audience realize that Charito culprit?

5. Write five sentences on Charlton's character in The Hostile Witness? (2017)

6. What were the clues that led to the detection that Charlton was the real culprit?

7. Why did sergeant Manning first speak rather coldly to the group of men in the hotel lounge?

8. What crime had been committed in Newcastle? (2014)(2018)

9. why did everyone suspect Mr. King as a criminal in the hostile witness? (2016)

Science and society.

1. what is meant by values as mentioned in Science and Society? (2017)

2. What is the difference between 'objective thinking' and 'prejudiced thinking'? (2018)

3. Why young people of today must be educated in science?

 4. Explain what is meant by the 'universality' of science and mathematics. 

5. What three elements contributed to the development of Science? 

6. What are the limitations of science in regard to the services to society? (2012)

7. What are the limitations of science in regards to the service of society?

8. Why does science fail to solve political and social problems?

9. According to science and scientists what type of education should be given to young people?

10. What do the phrases "unscientific work," and "Scientific work" mean? (2016)

11. Explain the phrases 'jumping to conclusion' and 'Inexact book'.

12. How can radio be considered a miracle? (2017)


Lucy Gray

1. What happened to Lucy Gray in the poem "Lucy Gray"? 

2. What do people think about Lucy's disappearance? 

3. How did Lucy's parents come to know of her tragic death?

4. What happened to Lucy Gray on her way to the town? (2017-13)

 5. What account has Lucy Gray become a part of nature?(2013) 

 6. What do people think about Lucy Gray after her tragic death? 

7. Why did the poet say .'Not blither is the mountain roe"?

8. How did Lucy become 'immortal'?

 9. How did Lucy's parents come to know of her tragic death?

The Lay of the Last Minstrel.

1. How does an un-patriotic person meet double death as mentioned in "The Lay of the Last Minstrel"?

2. What is the moral/message of the story "The Lay of the Last Minstrel"?

Abbot of Canterbury

1. What were the three questions asked by King John to Abbot? 

2. What were the three intelligent answers provided by the shepherd? /answer of Shepherd in the poem? (2015)

3. Wisdom is a God-gifted thing, which could be bestowed upon anyone without education, Support your answer in the light of the poem 'The Abbot of Canterbury'. 

4. How did the shepherd help the Abbot of Canterbury?

 5. Why could the Abbot of Canterbury not answer the king's questions instantly?

 6. What request did he make to the king? Who goes to London to answer the three questions of the King and why?

 7. Write your answer with reference to the poem "The Abbot of Canterbury'?

 8. What charges were leveled by the King against the Abbot of Canterbury? (2015)

9. Why did King John become jealous of the Abbot of Canterbury? 

10. What was the Abbot of Canterbury accused of and by whom?

11. Who was King John and what complex questions did he put to the Abbot of Canterbury?

12. What were the intelligent answers given by the poor shepherd to King John In the poem, "Abbot of Canterbury? (2016)

11. How did the shepherd help the Abbot of Canterbury?

12. Wisdom is the God-gifted thing, which could be bestowed upon anyone without education, support your answer in the light of the poem "The Abbot of Canterbury"? (2011)

13. What were the charges leveled against the Abbot by king John? (2017)

14. How did the Shepherd save the life of Abbot of Canterbury? (2018)

'Incident of French Camp

1. Give the philosophy of Robert Browning's poem 'Incident of French Camp'.

 2. How did the young soldier show his love for his country his emperor, Napolean Bonaparte?

3. According to Sir Walter Scott, what happens when an unprotected person dies? (2019-14-13)

The Toys

1. What religious idea does the poem "The Toys" convey to its readers? (2013Pri...)

2. What did Coventry Patmore find when he visited his son's bedroom?

3. What religious lesson did the poet draw from the incident in the poem 'The Toys'? (2013-10)

4. How did the little child get himself consoled in the poem The toys? (2012)

Abou Ben Adhem

1. What is the central idea or message of the poem, Abou Ben Adhem?

2. Why did the name of Abou Ben Adhem lead all the rest? What is the moral in the poem 'Abou Ben Adhem'?conclude the poem in your own word?

3. What did the abou first and second time and what was Angel's answer?

4. What did abou request the angel to do and what was the result?

5. Why was the name of a boob another at the top of the list? (2019)

6. What did abou request the angel and why? (2017)

“Under the Greenwood Tree

1. What are the merits and demerits of forest life according to Lord Amiens?/What are the charms of forest life according to Lord Amines?/What type of people were invited to the forest by Amiens in “Under the Greenwood Tree"?

2. What invitation does the singer give in the poem 'Under the Greenwood Tree? 

3. What kind of people are invited for living "Under the Greenwood Tree"?(2015)

4. What is the theme of the poem "Under the Greenwood Tree"? 

5. What type of hardships can be faced in forest life according to Shakespeare?

6. Give the central idea of the poem "Under the Greenwood Tree." ?(2013)

The Character of Happy Life

 1. What are the qualities of a happy life man as described in the poem "The Character of Happy Life"?(2015-11)

2. Describe the most outstanding qualities of a happy man? (2012)

3. How does Henry Wotton's Happy Man enjoy his spare time?

4. What does Henry Wotton's man use for his defense?

5How does Henry Wotton describe achieving a happy life? (2018) 

6. What is the wealth of the person having a good life?

I had reached at your doorstep

1. What is the message of the poem,' I had reached at your doorstep? (2019-18)

Life in the desert village.

1. What things of the village did Oliver Goldsmith remember after his village deserted?

2. Describe the beauty of Sweet Auburn in five lines as given in The Deserted Village.

3. How did the villagers enjoy the holiday before the village was deserted?

4. What were the charms of the village Auburn before it was deserted? (2018)

5. What is a sonnet? What inspired Wordsworth to write, "Sonnet Composed Upon Westminster Bridge? (2014)

6. What did William Wordsworth feel while standing on Westminster Bridge?

7. According to G Allana, what is the thing that prevents man from approaching God?


1. What are the views-of Professor Henry Corrie about women?

2. What did Mrs. Meldon want her brother to do to save humanity? (2019)

3. How did Henry want to revolutionize war and its weapons?/war to revolutionize? (2019-15)

4. What was the opinion of MRS Meldon about war? (2018)

5. How did Henry Corrie call his invention humanitarian? (2018-2012)


6. What was Corrie's invention? Why did he think it to be the most humanitarian? 

7. According to Mrs. Meldon, what is the organized butchery of young boys? (2017)


8. What is the organized butchery of boys in the eyes of Mrs. Meldon? Why does she say so?

9. Was Mrs. Meldon justified in killing professor Henry Corrie discuss? (2017)

10. What opinion does professor Corrie hold about war? (2017-14)


11. What does Prof. Henry Corrie mean by saying that 'War ought to be revolutionized?

12. What did Mrs melon Discover on the death anniversary of her son Edie? (2017-13)


13. What did Mrs. Meldon find out about Eddie's death on his death anniversary? 

14. Characteristics of Henry? (2015)

15. Who was ready and how did he die? (2015)

16. Compare the view of Henry corrie  & Mrs. Meldon about war? (2014-13)

17. Why does Mrs. Meldon call her most lonely woman cruelly alone? (2013reg-pri)

18. With what purpose did Corrie invent the formula for a devastating bomb? (2013pri)

19. Who was Eddie and what happened to him? (2012)

20. Why was Mrs. Meldon against Corrie's invention? (2010)


Letter to the editor of a newspaper expressing your concern over

1. Law and order problem in your city. 

2. frequent breakdown of electricity in your city.

 3. shortage of playgrounds.

4. mobile snatching in your city.

5. diseases in cattle.

 6. price rising or inflation in your city. 

 7. corruption in your city.

8. spread of Coronavirus.


1. Recent T20 match between Pakistan and India.

2. PSL 2022 / An interesting PSL 7 match.

3. Covid-19 and SOPs / The impacts or effects of the corona.

4. Read to Lead.

5. Smartphones are a blessing or a curse.

 6. Tourism in Pakistan.

7. Merits and demerits of the internet.

8. Blessings of childhood / Childhood as the best part of one's life.

9. A Terrible Accident. 10. Terrorism / War against terrorism.

11. Problem of the big city.

12. Craze of social media / Social media hazards. 

13. The war between Russia and Ukraine. 

14. Law and Order condition in Pakistan.

 15. Women march in Pakistan 8 March - / Rights of women in Islam.

16. Value of e-commerce.


1. Slow and steady wins the race.

2. Greed is a curse. (2018-14-13-12)

3. Unity is strength. (2019-17)

 4. All that glitters is not gold.

5. Honesty is the best policy. (2018-15-13-12)

6. Unity is strength.

7. No pain, No gain. (2019)

8. Where there's a will there's a way. (2018-15)

9. United we stand divided we fall. (2016-11)

10. As you Sow. so shall you reap.(2015-16-13-12)

11. Pride Hath a fall. (2012)

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