Importance of Breakfast

Muhammad  saleem


Breakfast is the most important meal of the day.

What you eat in the morning sets the tone for the rest of your day. 

Starting off the day with a nutrient-rich breakfast allows you to power through and make better decisions.

Skipping Brekfast.

 Skipping it and depriving your body of essential nutrients will leave you feeling lethargic, mess up blood sugar levels and even create brain fog.  

A nutrient-dense breakfast increases concentration, lowers the chances of developing diabetes, manages cholesterol, and keeps you chipper. Is avocado,and What about yogurt, What makes wild salmon a great breakfast choice.


Eggs off with one of the most popular and nutritional foods, eggs have been a popular breakfast choice for anyone can remember. Is it worth the hype?

Both the yolk and white parts are amazing sources of protein and heart-friendly unsaturated fats.  

This cuts out the unhealthy snacking in between meals that cause weight gain. Nutritious,  

filling, tasty, and easily available, they can also be paired up with sweet potatoes or ground turkey for a wholesome breakfast.

Unsweetened Plain Greek Yogurt

 Yogurt is a great starter for the day.  

When you think about it, the overwhelming amount of good bacteria is something that first comes to mind. But there are more benefits than that.  Adding yogurt to your breakfast is a good idea, especially for anyone looking to lose a couple of pounds.

The nutritional content will keep you energized throughout the day while maintaining digestive health. Rich in calcium and packed with probiotics, you can even add your favorite fruit for a hint of nutritious sweetness. 

If a morning workout is your routine then it can become your best friend! Diluting some yogurt in  water and mixing it all up with a pinch of rock  

salt to make buttermilk

salt to make buttermilkis a great post-workout drink that will soothe and heal your muscles.


Oatmeal Watching your weight? Looking for gluten-free breakfast options? Oatmeal is the safest and most nutritious way to go. It has got to be one of the top foods for breakfast. A comforting bowl of oatmeal is a powerhouse of nutrients. This rather simple meal, which can be whipped up in just a couple of minutes, contains insoluble fiber that lowers cholesterol and stabilizes blood sugar which makes you feel fuller. 

 Antioxidants are another important element along with certain natural heart-protecting anti-inflammatory properties. The combination of cooked oats, with organic nut butter and fresh fruits,  minus the artificial sweeteners, will keep you away from that vending machine for sure.

Nut Butter 

Nut Butter What can’t butter do?  

Nut butter is delicious, creamy, and nutritious made from nuts like almonds,  

peanuts, or walnuts. Filled with the goodness of heart-healthy saturated fats and protein,  

tree nuts, in general, have been linked with weight loss and reducing the risk of chronic diseases. Nut butter is a great way to include protein in your diet, especially if you’re vegetarian or vegan. Did you know that people who eat nut-based butter are less likely to be overweight as compared to people . That’s true! Adding a spoonful of your favorite nut butter in your morning green smoothie, salad bowl or sandwich will be a great way to kick start your day.

Chia Seeds 

The chia seed health craze is one bandwagon you need to jump on! This superfood shot to fame as one of the healthiest seeds in the world. What makes it ideal for breakfast?

The antioxidants, fiber, calcium, and a host of other vital nutrients protect your body from the attack of toxins. Sprinkling some on a bowl of yogurt with fruit or salad will give your meal the right amount of nutritional benefits along with a delicious crunch. Naturally packed with omega 3 fatty acids, these healthy seeds induce the feeling of fullness - something to help you along your weight loss journey. Add them to your morning by adding them to oatmeal,  smoothies, cereal, or puddings.



Avocado Speaking of superfoods for breakfast, avocado toast topped with freshly diced tomatoes,  onions and salt and pepper are enough to power you through the day.  

Do you know that the compounds found in avocados protect the body the same way olive oil does.

Considered to be one of the finest foods for weight loss, starting a new day with  this amazing fruit paired with an egg is  an award-winning breakfast for champions. Needless to say, it will increase satiety and  decrease your want for snacking in between meals.  The unique unsaturated fats found naturally cannot  be produced in the body. These good fats can lower  cholesterol and reduce the risk of heart disease  and even cancer related to unhealthy lifestyles.


unopposed superstar of potassium. However, their  goodness is not limited to just that. Packed with  filling fiber and other valuable nutrients,  tossing some diced bananas in your fruit bowl,  smoothie will lift up your mood, giving  you an energised start to the day.What makes bananas awesome is the resistant starch  that supports digestive health and doesn’t leave  you feeling bloated or lethargic. Including  them for breakfast also means lowering blood  pressure levels that keep the heart in good  shape.

 A fun way to incorporate them would be to add it to your oatmeal with nut butter,  topped with some chia, pumpkin or flax seeds.

Spinach Greens

spanish are always a great choice for breakfast. This leafy green, the crux for any healthy green juice,  consists of a good amount of folate and muscle-building fiber. Spinach can decrease the chances of developing osteoporosis or heart disease. Along with protecting muscle from degeneration,  eating this healthy green every morning will also increase blood flow in the body.  

Sick of just eating eggs and toast for breakfast?

 To make your breakfast more  nutrient-dense you can add just 1 cup of spinach into your omelets, egg sandwiches, and juices!

Berries Berries  

win the title for being one of the healthiest breakfast foods on the planet.  Strawberry, blueberry, raspberry, and others are not only rich in heart-friendly antioxidants,  but adding them to your breakfast also gives you a boost of energy.

These colorful nutritious fruits contain large amounts of powerful vitamins which amp up your breakfast tenfold. If losing weight is your  goal then an assortment of berries is what  you need to start your day with. Did you know that they stop fat from forming in the body?  Along with weight loss, adding just 1  cup of different berries in your oatmeal,  ereal, or shakes will protect the cells and give your blood circulation a major boost!

Sweet potato


Ever thought about starting your day by eating these flavors and nutrition.

Black tea


Normally black tea is a crucial part of a complete diet.  the switch to black tea, it will wake you right up! Getting your caffeine fix from black tea will not just fight lethargy but will also increase mental alertness. Robust and strong in flavor, it may take some time for you to get used to it but once you do,  it’s a great beverage that will keep you focussed through the day.  

Just boil some water and add tea leaves.  Let it sit there for a couple of minutes before running it through a strainer to give you a rejuvenating cup of tea.

Wild salmon Salmon for breakfast  

As odd as it sounds, this fatty fish when paired with some scrambled eggs and whole-wheat toast creates a delicious, filling and rather unique meal.  Salmon is already considered a superfood for the brain because of the high omega 3 fatty acids. If you’re looking to switch up the breakfast game then adding it, at least twice in a week,  will do the trick. Being a nutrition powerhouse and packing clean protein,  starting your day with wild salmon will help you meet everyday nutritional needs even if you eat not-so-healthy foods for the rest of the day.

from the desk of M.A f SALEEM.

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